A Custom Hospitality Uniform Challenge: Case Study

Executive Apparel was asked to develop a custom hospitality uniform component. The client asked for a server’s vest for a sophisticated upscale restaurant with international flair. The establishment called for a relatively formal image. The vest should enhance the existing companion garments—black fitted pants and a crisp white shirt—and look neat when worn. The fit was of utmost importance.

The buyer expressed disappointment in the market, which didn’t seem to offer the right vest to suit their vision. They found that most versions were too boxy and short or disproportionate, thus giving a sloppy look. Most vests also had a back buckle-strap closure that was sewn into the side seams of the vest. When cinched on a smaller person the front of the vest lost its shape. The opposite problem occurred on larger people. The buckle would come apart

Clearing One Hurdle in the Custom Hospitality Uniform Challenge

Man in a Custom Hospitality Uniform Vest Front and Back view

We realized we would have to make a custom vest but there was one caveat. The client could not commit to the full minimum order at the start of the program. Without the advantage of the best price break a fully custom project was out of their budget. We put our heads together and came up with a creative semi-custom design.  

To learn how Executive Apparel resolved this Hospitality Uniform Challenge click here.

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Lisa Denham Marketing Director - Blog Contributor for Executive Apparel